ENDOSC-O-PURE provide superior water quality to your scope washer desinfector. Large filtration surface to reduce down time of clog final filter. Includes our proprietary THERM-O-TRONIK Smart mixing valves for precise water temperature required by the scope washer pre-requisite. Can be fully automated for disinfection with our BIO-ZIP system.
- Bacteria free water ( less than 10 UFC/ml )
- Endotoxine free water ( less than 1 EU/ml)
- Precise temperature set point
- Automatic flushing on clock
- Membrane housing SS316
- Chemical disinfection compatible
- Low energy consumption
- Ethernet connectivity
- Scope washer feed water
- Medical device reprocessing units
- USP Purified Water
- Highly Purified Grade Water for rinsing
- Medical Device Production
NOTE: Production capacity of the ENDOSC-O-PURE is from 10 to 12 lpm @ 25 celcius per membrane housing . Different types of membranes can be used depending on customer needs.